Monday, April 20, 2009

It wasn't a Power Outage

My tech guy, Ryan, writes to me asking for my IP address, saying he's going to check the server's firewall. While I was waiting for him to check it out, I sent an email to myself using my website email address, came through lickity split. So the address forwarding filter is working and that only works when my website is functioning. Then I asked the COCModSquad to check out the CITY-o-Clay's web section on CITY-Lists, to check if they can access that site. They could. So I figured Ryan was on the right track.

The power outage was a separate issue that wouldn't effect my website because where my website is stored isn't in Wisconsin. He appreciated my concern.

I'm just relieved that visitors to my three websites didn't get a 404 error message. I would rather be the only person put out about the problem. I didn't want my visitors to be discomforted.

I am glad I keep track of my website outages here. I'd forget otherwise and going through old email is a time sink. It's boring for anyone coming here though. Sorry about that.

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