Sunday, January 17, 2010

We survived

I just realized I should put an update here. We survived and with the generosity of ClayMates and StarGazers we were able to bridge the gap that loomed ahead of us in January.

My son was able to find an alternate contractor to work for until his former boss could get funds from a client, long and very boring story that. My son's girlfriend was able to untangle the snfau with her unemployment.

I was able to pick up a couple of astrology readings for pay.

The rest came from ClayMates and StarGazers from my yahoo groups. I didn't get permission to mention their names, but they know why they are and I'm ever so grateful that y'all pitched in to save my hide.

The website will be renewed for a year. domain was locked down for another year.

I'll have to admit that I knew I could handle losing my apartment, even though I've been here for over 22 years. But if I lost my website I'd be totally bummed. When I realized I valued my virtual space more than my physical space I had to admit I am a geek.

In the 10 years or so of having my website open for ClayMates to come and use free tutorials it has become a space where I can come and goof around. Ever have a play house when you were a kid, a special tree house or fort? That's the sort of feeling I have for my website. Many polymer clay and/or miniature website have come and gone in these 10 years. I want mine to endure. Call me a Leo born in the year of the Ox, but I'm just determined that I will continue to provide free tutorials for ClayMates. Not only that but I'm building an astrological following and CITY-Lists with Astrol-CITY are connected to this web host account.

But I digress, as is my wont to do.

On my To-Do list: update my website because with the scramble to keep the crib the website has not seen its usual monthly update and with the turn of the year the consolidation of 2009 still needs to be done.

I've been uploading files to Astrol-CITY: planets in the signs and planets in the houses up to the 10th house. I have some retrograde planets in the 11th and 12th to do and then those files will be added.

I've given away so much of my inventory over the holidays for gifts I need to start stringing more beads so I'll have something to sell in my e-commerce section. It just didn't seem logical to load up pictures of things to sell if I didn't know if I would have an apartment or a website. Those things had to be saved first. Now I can think of selling my artwork.

The soon to be ex-husband keeps on promising to file for the divorce. So far, no go. He got stereo nag. I want out and she wants in and he hates doing paperwork. Too bad.

Well, that's all the news from the Left Coast. We survived, alhamdolilah. reward to myself is to stop running about in a panic and read some fiction I bought years ago and never got around to reading because there's "always something to do". Reading is my reward and my escape from the hustle. The biggest treat, the hardbound copy of "The Golden City" by John Twelve Hawks. My son and I shared for the turn of the new year. We both agreed that we could live in a cardboard box if we had access to books.

It is not important where you live or what you have but what you can imagine in your head, you betcha.