Thursday, March 10, 2011

My website is back online

Oh can you tell that I'm a happy girl?

I don't know why my website was off line or why my webhost was
also off line, or why I could not see either site through I have not received an email from my tech support yet but I'm sure I'll be hearing from him because we need to add space for my son's new domain. Soon this link will work.

Yeah I'm working on a website for my Kung Fu teaching son. When I told him that I couldn't access my website he said, "When you would tell me before that you couldn't access your website I would be one step above indifference. Now it's PERSONAL!" and he struck a Kung Fu pose.
One good thing about having my website go offline for a day or so is I did price out DreamWeaver. I have been using FrontPage 2003 and it is discontinued, no tech support, IT support teams hate to deal with FrontPage extensions, and FrontPage uses more server space because of the FP extensions and it's "spaghetti code".

If I fall over $500 that does not have anyone's name on it I want a new copy of DreamWeaver and a couple of support books and a new flat screen monitor. If you saw my monitor you'd weep. It is over 10 years old and takes up a ton of room on my desk.

So I'm sending out creative visualization vibes out into the universe: New copy of DreamWeaver, support books and a flat screen monitor. Just saying...

Off to do Laundry.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Solar Flare, Mercury conjunct Uranus, WTF?

I don't know if it is because of solar flares or Mercury conjunct Uranus at the last degree of Pisces or what...

My website is offline and I don't know why. The webhost, is also off line and that's not a good thing. Sorry for any inconvenience and I'll post as soon as the problem is solved. I sent a message through a cached copy of their website contact page to see what would happen. I got a failure notice saying it could not go through, but I didn't get such a failure notice when I emailed their regular support email address.

It isn't the usual problem I have with triggering their firewall because I did test whether I could get to my website and my webhost's website through and it was a no go.

So wish us luck that it is something like a server needing to be replaced. Otherwise it is a matter of finding a new webhost and I'd rather not go through all that if I can help it.

On the personal front. I had posted that I was returning to my former name after my divorce became final. I was going through all my online profiles and changing the name ahead of time. I still had my Social Security card, CA ID, and voter's registration to change all official like.

On Monday, March 7, 2011 I changed the name on my Social Security card. I knew I had to do that before I changed the name on my CA ID. I looked at the DMV website, talked to a support person (after waiting for 45 minutes on hold) and was told I could get a sticker on the back of my CA ID for free. The website said a copy of my divorce decree was all I needed. My sister is on vacation so she said she'd pick me up early and we make a day of going to the DMV. That was today.

No one had the same information. Once I got to talk to a live person at DMV, after waiting in line for an hour, he said a "certified copy" of the decree. Off to City Hall to get that for $16.00. I had to apply for a new ID and take a picture (on a bad hair day) for $25. The lady showed me the second picture because the first one I was smiling so hard my eyes were squinty. "You can blindfold me with dental floss." I said. When she showed me the second picture it was a close up with all my chins.

"More chins than a Chinese phone directory." I told my sister. I also changed my voter's registration while I was at the DMV. Since the state of CA is taking so long to get new IDs and Licences to people they let me keep my old ID so I have something on hand to use. Mighty nice of them to do that.

The security guard at DMV came up to Linda and me, saying, "I've gotten reports about the two of you. You're having too much fun." At that we both started laughing.Good thing my sister was driving me around to do this or I'd have spent the rest of this week going hither and yon. Even getting up early and getting to DMV at 8:30am there was a long line to just get into the building. Thankfully, we were done by Noon and we went out to JapanTown for a bento box lunch and some window shopping.

The joke of the day was about a friend saying he thought when Samurai committed ritual suicide it was "sudoku". We have been laughing about that for days. Even Mom got a laugh out of it. Linda and I picked up Mom on the way back to my place while we were dropping off the potato croquettes I made yesterday for them.

"And there the distraught Samurai sat writing numbers on his belly, preparing to commit sudoku." LOL

So it's done and official I am now

Nora Jean Stone and my website is offline. Time go to zen about it.