Monday, May 30, 2011

Three Eclipses are coming

June 1, New Moon in Gemini, 11 degrees
June 15, Full Moon in Sagittarius, 24 degrees
July 1, New Moon in Cancer, 9 degrees

It is unusual to have three eclipses happen in a row like this so the next 6 weeks are going to be rocking. If you have anything at 10 degrees or 24 degrees of anything look at that part of your chart for where you'll be rethinking, letting go of ways of doing things, letting go of relationships, drawing relationships to yourself, a whole bunch of activity will be kicked into gear with these three eclipses.

June 13th also is when Saturn goes Direct. So what we had been mulling about our relationships, Saturn being in Libra and that rules relationships, we will be clear about what changes need to be made. Saturn constricts so you may be letting go of relationships.

If you would like an astrological reading come on down to the astrology section of my website... The month of June has a lot of activity with Jupiter moving into Taurus, getting away from that Saturn in Libra opposition that slowed Jupiter down when it was in Aries. Mercury rushing through Gemini in record speed. Venus and Mars moving into Gemini. What else, Oh Neptune going retrograde and re-entering Aquarius in August, not to be coming back to its home sign of Pisces until Feb. 2012.

So if you're antsy about the three eclipses or if you've never had a reading before, come on down. My prices are negotiable depending on a number of factors. Don't forget to read the disclaimers. I'm not an astrologer who promises to tell you the winning lotto numbers.

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