Friday, January 9, 2009

WebHost Problems Again

I can't seem to win for losing with webhosts. is hosting and it's not coming up, again. I went to the host's website and that's not coming up either. I sent an email to the support team and the owner and haven't gotten a reply yet.

I know that they are located in snow country and it's been a harsh winter for them. Could be that lines are down. Could be the recession got to them and they are out of business. Could be a number of things and I have no idea what it could be without a reply to my email to them.

It is frustrating because I'm working on building an e-commerce section to my website, got a new domain for it and everything. Good thing I didn't have the doors open and have customers to serve because that would have done more damage to me. This way it's people who are looking for free tutorials who are being inconvenienced.

So I'm venting here because my main blogs are on my website, which was working last night when I mentioned that Bob Wilkins of "Creature Features" died. What ever happened to my website happened between midnight last night and 1pm today.

Mercury turns retrograde Jan. 11th, and my communication problems star two days early.


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