All this talk about Woodstock. I wasn't at Woodstock. I was a former Navy Wife, had two children, was in a marriage that was failing and still hadn't completed high school. All this nostalgic talk about 40 years ago I can just wave away with a roll of my eyes and an audible sigh.
I'm happier now at 60 than I was at 20. Oh that's not me in that picture. I found that picture online when looking for "old hippies" pictures. She's just a darling.
I also feel blessed that since 1975 I've had the pleasure to watch my third born son grow instead of being in jail like Squeaky Fromme (Dangerous but inept). She got out of jail today and it is just mind blowing to know that she and I are the same age. We obviously made different choices in our life.
Anyway, I'll celebrate the moon landing and the crossing of Abbey Road (check out the webcam images of the 40th anniversary of the crossing of Abbey Road) , but Woodstock doesn't resonate with me because I was up to my elbows washing cloth diapers and being in a loveless marriage.
My then husband wanted to go to Altamont Free Concert and I said "With two children in diapers? Do you know that area? I do, it's pasture land, two lane road, it'll be nuts." and it was. One of the reasons he is my ex-husband, we obviously saw the world in different ways.
So this is just to record that for all the looking back that people are doing, especially boomers, looking back at marching for civil rights, to end the war, going to love-ins, living in communes, et al... I'm happier now than I was then. I would not turn the hands of time backwards to live that life again.
I'm content to live in the now, thankyouandhaveanicelife.