There's something broken with the WordPress Blog on my website and I can't post to it. Something to do with the SQL database and I'm not able to access it to repair it. I sent an email to the support staff at and if they give me the right reply I might be able to repair it when I'm on the road. Although given Murphy's Law I doubt it.
This is a problem because I'm leaving for Texas in less than two days. Since this blog has a picture of me in my 2001 Easy Breezy Tour Rice Cracker outfit, which I'm going to be wearing on this tour, it seemed fitting that I'd keep contact with the ClayMates through this blog.
If you can't go over something you can go around it and this is my work around.
I'm all packed up, been packed and repacked because I keep on adding cured polymer clay things to bring to show to Densie, Jen, Eva and Debbie, who are my team members on the COCModSquad, and my hostesses when I'm in Texas.
Check my home page for details on the "Triple T" the Texas Thanksgiving Tour and check here for the updates, since my WordPress blog on my website decided to go wonky at the worst possible time.